// ==UserScript== // @name xbox 360 marketplace purchase fixer // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description allow xbox 360 free gold game to be redeemed through web site // @author mcawesomept, robdangerous // @match https://live.xbox.com/* // @license MIT // @grant none ////allows running user script sooner: // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== /* Notes: due to a bug in the xbox 360 marketplace, countries that use a comma, ",", as decimal separator will fail to redeem free xbox 360 games with gold this is a script to allow google chrome to redeem the free game without any manual requirements for the user */ console.log("xbox 360 marketplace purchase fixer has been loaded"); var searchPidl = true; if(searchPidl === true) { var checkPrerequisites = window.setInterval(function() { var preReqElement = document.getElementById("pidlContainer"); if(preReqElement != null) { console.log("the script has been loaded. fixing amount..."); var preReqScript = preReqElement.nextSibling.nextElementSibling; var preReqScriptHTML = preReqScript.innerHTML.replace(/amount: ([\d]*),([\d]*)/g, "amount: $1.$2"); //remove existing script and add new one preReqScript.remove(); var liveFixedScript = document.createElement("script"); liveFixedScript.innerHTML = preReqScriptHTML; document.head.appendChild(liveFixedScript); console.log("amount fixed"); clearInterval(checkPrerequisites); //debugger; } }, 1); }